This Seattle Baby Portrait Session Had Great Elements to Work On Location
I am grateful to all the parents whom call to schedule a baby portrait session in their home in Seattle. I am not only grateful but amazed when a new Mom makes that call. With the many new responsibilities of managing that little being, I am in awe that the Moms that call me are able to schedule that newborn session. (I know it was such a big life change for me with me first one, that I couldn’t have even fathomed taking pictures much less leaving my house those first two weeks.)
Although I love photographing newborns within the first two weeks because of their innate ability to just sleep mostly through the session, photographing baby at the 3 month mark actually worked well in this instance. Baby was just a little bigger so her face filled out just beautifully and I think parents routines were able to settle in just a bit more so that we could figure out whether the baby needed to be fed or changed, rather than guessing. One of the most important factors in photography is to have a good and abundant quality of light and we often photograph a baby portrait session in my Seattle natural light studio because of the great light. After scouting their in-home location that actually did have great south eastern exposure light and adequate space to orient myself, I knew we’d have great opportunities to create unique images.
It was the perfect locale for little A. and allowed her to stay in her routine so we had the happiest baby possible. It went like clockwork for this baby: she woke up, got fed, we took a lot of photographs and made silly faces and sounds to entertain her. Then Dad held her and let her rest a little and I took some more portraits as Grandma made more silly faces and sounds. Then Mom held her and Heather made silly faces and sounds. Then Mommy and Daddy held her and got another round of great photos, swaddled her up. When she pooped out (about 40 minutes later) I caught a few more images as she drifted off to sleep.
Some of the key elements which made this session great were: working with the babies schedule, listening to her cues, scheduling for good natural light and working with two parents that were easy going and just adored their baby like crazy !!!
Thanks A and E.