Siblings, I know a little bit about the different combinations and unique dynamics that make up a family. (In my own family I had five other siblings to love, hug, fight over food and tv with, don’t ask me about our most recent family reunion, 30 immediate family members should not be allowed to be in one place for more than 3 hours at a time .) Some combinations just happen to make my job easier, and such was the case with these cuties I photographed just last week in between our Seattle rain showers. One of my favorite sibling portrait combinations is the older sister and younger brother one and these two didn’t disappoint. Big sis was such a great leader and even helped to make funny faces to get little bro to respond. They were so loving together and just had a joy about them, that I didn’t have to give much direction to get such great portrait expressions.
Mom really helped in planning the portrait session on Bainbridge too, coordinating great clothes for the home setting and then the location background as well as identifying a scenic location that worked great with the light. Although I wouldn’t identify with yellow for a clothing top (maybe because I’m a winter and would look pale) it worked unbelievably beautiful as big sis’ honey colored hair matched so well and it looks like these two were just made to play their days in this field of saturated ochres and yellow tones.
Thanks for helping to create some gorgeous portraits A. !! I’m glad your kids had as much fun as I did.