Heather Quintans Photography » The best Seattle newborn, child, family and highschool senior photographer.

Portrait Displays and Groupings: Home and Office



Creating portrait images is such an important part of my job in Seattle, but that is just one half of it.  Creating a finished piece is equally if not as important. One of the first questions I ask when designed a portrait session for families is where they see these kinds of images ultimately displayed in their homes.  Often we never even think of the portrait display and yet if you don’t those pictures might just end up in the box that they were delivered in.   I strive with every Eastside and Seattle photography client, even high school seniors to create not only the best portrait images of their children and families, but also create the most beautiful finished pieces as well, ready to just put the nail in the wall. Heck I often will do this part too !

Will be posting more of these groupings shortly. (If you have a grouping that we have created over the years and would like to share it, please email me.)

Q u i c k   I n f o
C L I E N T   P R O O F I N G